Friday, October 4, 2013

Mad for Mad Libs

Today during our Writing RTI (In school tutorial) time part of the time was spent with the students creating their own Mad Lib. The students went crazy doing this and had so much fun. There are plenty of websites out there and apps that you can do mad libs on but this is one of my favorites.

Two of the features I really enjoy are the "help/assistance" you get when you place your cursor over the word type they are asking for you to do. For instance, if they ask you to insert an adverb and you are unsure of what an adverb is, if you place your cursor over the word adverb a small box pops up with the definition and some examples. Very cool!

Second, I really like that you can print your story afterwards and that it places your word selections in bold. This really helps to re-iterate and show the students what they did to add to the story and highlight their word use.

If your child has a moment and goes on to create their own, let me know and I will give them 10 points extra credit for doing so. If you also have printer access you can print your student's stories or e-mail them to me and I will print them for you.