Thursday, October 24, 2013

Camp Caddo: Day 4 Performance Day and Summary

Today at the campsite we took the opportunity to perform our two camp songs, "Camp Write-Along" and "Hello Mother, Hello Father". Once I edit and upload the videos, I will post them to this page. :) The students had a blast and it was a great day of reflection. We will be taking these four days of camp and reflect on them by placing our experience into a personal narrative about our "Camping Trip". The fourth grade Writing STAAR Test in April requests the students write a Personal Narrative on one day and an Expository Composition on the other day. We do not know ahead of time what the prompt topics are, however generally the narrative paper is always something along the lines of: Write about your favorite day of school, Write about a time you had fun with a friend, etc. So, students will take this "experience" and practice writing it into a personal narrative reflection and hopefully it will pay off in the end. :)

I have placed the two song lyrics below if you would like to have a preview.

Camp Write-Along (To the tune of "YMCA")

4th grade, there's no need to feel low.
We said, 4th grade, grab your pencils, let's go!
We said, 4th grade, 'cause you've got the ideas.
There's no need to be unhappy.

4th grade, you've got to start with a plan.
We said, 4th grade, then you outline it, man.
Check it again, and I'm sure you will find,
Many ways to make it better.

It's fun to write at our CAMP-WRITE-ALONG.
It's fun to write at our CAMP-WRITE-ALONG.

They have all the tools for you to get your best score,
You can all write a perfect 4...

It's fun to write at our CAMP-WRITE-ALONG.
It's fun to write at our CAMP-WRITE-ALONG.

You can write it pretend, you can write it for real,
You can write whatever you feel...

4th grade, are you listening to this?
We said, 4th grade, this part you don't want to miss.
We said, 4th grade, time to write up your draft.
But you've got to know this one fact...

No one does it right the first time.
We said, 4th grade, that's why we revise lines,
And just go there, to the Camp Write Along
We can help you after this song!

It's fun to write at our CAMP-WRITE-ALONG.
It's fun to write at our CAMP-WRITE-ALONG.

They have all the tools for you to get your best score,
You can all write a perfect 4...

It's fun to write at our CAMP-WRITE-ALONG.
It's fun to write at our CAMP-WRITE-ALONG.

You can write it pretend, you can write it for real,
You can write whatever you feel...

Hello Mother, Hello Father

Hello Mother, Hello Father
Camp Write Along, couldn’t be better.
Camp is very, entertaining.
And they say we’ll have some fun if it stops raining.

I wrote a story, with Joe Spivey.
He developed, poison ivy.
You remember, Leonard Skinner?
He got writer’s block last night after dinner.

All the counselors, make us write
From the morning, to the night.
We add detail, and do our best.
If we don’t we know we won’t get any rest!

Now I don’t want, this to scare you.
But my roommate, has the bear flu.
You remember, Jeffrey Hardy?
They’re about to organize a searching party!

Take me home....I can’t take it....
I don’t think I’m....going to make it....
Oh please....don’t make me stay....
I have been here for exactly one whole day!

Dearest Father, Darling Mother,
How’s my precious, little brother?
Let me come home, if you miss me.
I would even let my brother hug and kiss me.

Wait a minute, What am I saying?
Kids are laughing, kids are playing.
Writing stories, gee that’s better
Mother, Father kindly disregard this letter.