Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives Oh My!

This past week we reviewed some basic parts of speech: nouns, verbs and adjectives. It is imperative your student gets these variations of words so that they can apply that knowledge when building their sentences. Here is a glimpse of some activities we have done in class to re-enforce these concepts.

Nouns- Want a fun game for your students to practice with at home? Click on the link below for some exciting noun practice. Student have to find the fish with the noun above it. If they choose correctly, the fish gets a worm. We played this game in class so your student should already know how to play.
Noun Explorer:

Verbs- Students got to choose an "Angry Bird" and turn it into an "Angry VERB". Students were required to choose an action verb they wanted their bird to be able to do. Then students were to create a sentence using that verb and underline it. See example below. Students go CRAZY about this every year. They love their Angry Birds!

Adjectives- Students were challenged to think of 10 adjectives that describe them (1 word adjectives). Students then needed to record those on their face poster and decorate. We used me as a class example. Students came up with some very sweet and creative responses when describing me. See below photo.