Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Perfecting the Spelling Packet Prompts

If you still have your student's spelling packet for this week, take a glimpse at their Writing Prompt section. Hopefully you will see something similar to this. Each week we, as a class, generate our own class story response to the prompt. Their stories should be different from what I have posted below- however- you should see similar "scribbles" around their writing to show their thought process and planning before they wrote. A couple of ways you can help your student on this section is:

1. Make sure they wrote their 4 spelling words to the side of their paper and underlined their words in the story.
2. Make sure they thought about their writing before they ever started to write.
3. Make sure they fully write about what the prompt is asking them to write about (stay on topic).
4. Make sure they have written more than 4 lines- because they need at least that to get their point across.

*Feel free to assist your student with this portion, I encourage that. The more you show interest and importance in writing, the more they will respect and appreciate it. Modeling the writing process is one of the key ingredients to a successful writer!!! Don't worry about getting too technical with this particular assignment each week.What you see in the photos below is a rough draft and at a later time students will have the opportunity to improve on these papers.