Friday, September 20, 2013

Hey Mom! Can I Play A Video Game?

If you often hear those words from your offspring but cringe at the thought of their brains wasting away to nothing....have no fear, some GREAT websites, with fun educational GRAMMAR games, are available for you and your student. We have played these games during our built-in RTI time (a time to provide in-school small group assistance) and so your child should already be familiar with these fun tools. I suggest having these sites readily marked on your ipad (or my blog linked) so that anytime you are waiting at a doctors appointment, driving long distances in the car, need a rainy day activity, etc. you have one ready to go.

1. Adjectives

2. Verbs
3. Capitalization and Punctuation

4. Full Punctuation Review
If your student practices one of these games at home, send me a note saying which game they played and they will receive 10 points extra credit.