Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Ice Cube Adventure

Students recently combined their knowledge of Properties of Matter, a Science Lab and Writing all into one. During our weekly Science Lab, each student was given one ice cube in a small bowl and told to conduct four action verbs to it. Students were predicting which actions caused the ice cubes to melt faster. I.E. Swirling it, breathe on it, lick it, etc. We reviewed the vocabulary words: Melting, Freezing, Solid, Liquid and States of Matter. We discussed how in order to change a Liquid to a Solid heat had to be removed and freezing had to occur. Then we chatted about how the actions could be reversed- going from a Solid to a Liquid. Students concluded that heat would then have to be added and that melting would occur. Once the lab was complete we composed our experience into writing. Below is the Ice Cube Adventure I created and modeled for the students. Students were required in their writing to use the five discussed vocabulary words along with add in the four action verbs they completed in the lab. Students were to underline the above information in their papers.

Ice Cube Adventure
Swimming through the lake one day, Sam and Fred decided to go on the outskirts of the lake. They were very tiny water molecules and their parents had warned them to always stay close by. Without minding their parent’s caution, they swam out anyway. Sam saw a silver ring at the bottom of the lake and motioned to Fred to come with him. Fred said, “I don’t know Sam, it looks kind of dangerous.” Sam went on instead and swam closer and closer to the ring. All of a sudden, Sam realized that he was being pulled closer and closer to the ring and he was unable to stop. Sam cried out for help but then suddenly got sucked into the silver cylinder. He swirled and swirled through a long grey pipe, went through several tubes and filters and then saw a light ahead of him. Sam realized what was about to happen, he was about to go through a water faucet. He fell out of the faucet and into a small blue square container. He was concerned about his liquid state when suddenly it got very dark and extremely cold. He knew that water changed to a solid called ice when heat was removed. Changing a liquid to a solid is called freezing and he definitely was! He was turning into an ICE CUBE!!! Sam tried to fight it but grew very tired and then just gave up and went to sleep. He woke up to a sudden light and instant change in temperature. He began to feel shaking and then fell into a bowl with other helpless ice cubes. He felt some fingers pick him up and place him into a small bowl. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a friendly face. It was Mrs. Welch! He had seen her several times at the lake conducting various science experiments and he knew if he told her his story that she would help him out. Sam began to beg Mrs. Welch, “Please, please help get back to a liquid water molecule, please! I miss my family and friend Fred.” Mrs. Welch knew that Sam was quickly already on his way to changing his state of matter back to a liquid because he was in a warmer environment and no longer the freezer. Sam however was freaking out so Mrs. Welch decided to help him change quicker. She first swirled him around in the bowl. Next, she began to bounce him up and down inside the bowl. Sam quickly asked her to stop because he was getting a major headache. Mrs. Welch apologized and picked Sam up and began to pet him. She could tell he was still very cold so she started to blow her breath on him to heat him up. Before much more time, Sam finally was melting back to his liquid state! He couldn’t believe it! It felt good to be back to the way things used to be and he made one final request to Mrs. Welch. “Can you please return me to the lake?” Mrs. Welch was already headed there that afternoon and decided to drop him off. That night Sam warned everyone of the shiny lake ring and reminded them of the importance of following the rules and listening to their parents.

The students did fantastic on this! See some student samples below!!!


Friday, September 27, 2013

Spelling Challenge- Week 6

Spelling Challenge- Week 6

Rainbow Spelling

This week's challenge is simple and most likely your student has done it in the past.....Rainbow Spelling! Even though it has been done in the past, it is always a favorite to repeat. If you have never ventured out into trying rainbow spelling, the activity is simple. All you need is a set of markers, crayons or colored pencils and paper.  First they write out the spelling words in pencil.  Next they pick three different colored pencils/crayons/markers. Then they take one of the colored pencils and trace each word with that color. The last two colors of pencil are used in the same manner.  When the words are done they have written each word 4 times and it looks really cool.

This week's words:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Simple & Complete Subjects and Predicate- VIDEO LESSON

Simple and Complete Subject and Predicates

Students this week expanded their learning of subjects and predicates to study simple and complete subjects and predicates. Here is a mini lesson on the matter:

The complete subject (the noun or pronoun that performs the action) contains all the words that help to identify the main person, place, thing, or idea in the sentence.

The complete subject in each sentence is italicized. 

Many teachers and two principals from our school attended the musical concert. 
Giraffes and monkeys in the local zoo captured the children's interest yesterday. 
This novel's last few chapters are replete with great sensory language.

The simple subject is the main word within the complete subject.

The simple subject is italicized in each of these sentences.

This taco from the local store was quite tasty.
Some people never cease to amaze me.
These two swimmers graduated from the same high school.

A complete predicate is the main verb (action) along with all of its modifiers.

The complete predicate is italicized in each of these sentences.

Each of the seven contestants will be flying to Los Angeles next week.
The talented mechanic fixed our car yesterday afternoon.
My sister, a hairdresser, studied hard for her state licensing examinations.

A simple predicate (verb) is the main word or phrase that tells something about the subject (doer) of the sentence.

The simple predicate is italicized in each of these sentences.

Izzy roamed the neighborhood last night.
The students cheered loudly for our lacrosse team.
Youngsters really enjoy that activity.

The Punctuation People: Ms. Exclamation

The Sentence Song - Types of Sentences

Punctuation Rap

The Punctuation Song

LL Cool J - "Punctuation" Music Video (The Electric Company)

End Punctuation - Captain Cluck (The Electric Company)

National Punctuation Day

Today, September 24th is National Punctuation Day! We celebrated the day by practicing our ending sentence punctuation during morning assembly, watching some fun punctuation videos, learning a punctuation rap, reading two books on punctuation and practiced using our favorite snacks as ending punctuation for some sentence work. It was a fun day giving honor to the importance of punctuation.

Books we read: "The Punctuation Station" and "Nouns and Verbs have a Field Day"

 Had a special visit from "Punctuation Girl"

Videos that we watched today will be posted on this site! It was a great day!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Hey Mom! Can I Play A Video Game?

If you often hear those words from your offspring but cringe at the thought of their brains wasting away to nothing....have no fear, some GREAT websites, with fun educational GRAMMAR games, are available for you and your student. We have played these games during our built-in RTI time (a time to provide in-school small group assistance) and so your child should already be familiar with these fun tools. I suggest having these sites readily marked on your ipad (or my blog linked) so that anytime you are waiting at a doctors appointment, driving long distances in the car, need a rainy day activity, etc. you have one ready to go.

1. Adjectives

2. Verbs
3. Capitalization and Punctuation

4. Full Punctuation Review
If your student practices one of these games at home, send me a note saying which game they played and they will receive 10 points extra credit.

Spelling Challenge- Week 5

Spelling Challenge- Week 5

Phone Spelling!

Grab a phone and get to work! Have your student write the number code of each spelling word from the phone key pad! For example the number code for the word "SPELLING" is 77355464. Students received a worksheet with a ready-made cell phone keypad they may also use.

This weeks words:


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wacky Writing Project One


 On September 9, I assigned our first Wacky Writing Project for the year. Students were given an opportunity to choose 5 words and were asked to define each word and figure out it's part of speech. Students then were to complete a rough draft of their story including those 5 words in their writing. Once a game plan is established, they use the manilla paper to present their final draft. Students always love this assignment and I always enjoy reading their fun stories! This project is due on September 30. Students have a total of 3 weeks to get this accomplished. If the student turns in their project prior to the due date, they can potentially earn up to 20 points extra credit. I greatly encourage parents to work on this with your student. This is a great way to help them with school and show them creative ways to write.

Below is a picture of some of the words they had to choose from.