Monday, January 13, 2014

Tune Tuesdays

Today we started "Tune Tuesday". Even though today is Monday, my class will be gone tomorrow on a field trip. This is an idea I read about awhile back and have been trying to figure out how to implement it into our class. Everyone knows that the Spring Semester is a time for hard core prep for the STAAR- no fun allowed. :) ha ha. Well, I can't help but try to add SOMETHING fun into the day that is also productive! Prior to the Christmas break for three weeks my students daily completed a "sentence diagramming" activity with a single sentence. We mainly focused on identifying nouns and simple subjects. Well I wanted to spice it up, but still maintain the same concept. So, hence "Tune Tuesday". Every week we will have a new tune to listen to. Students will have a copy of the lyrics and a mission of what to highlight while the song is playing. For instance, today's tune was "Eye of the Tiger" -old school version not Katy Perry. ;) While the song played the students went through and highlighted all of the pronouns they saw. After the song was finished I gave them an additional 30 seconds of silence to check their work, then we graded it as a class. It was a nice change of pace and the students are already asking me what song will be next week.

So.....want to practice your pronoun identification? Glance at the lyrics below and see how many pronouns you can find!