Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Light Bulb Sentences

This current six weeks we have been focusing a bunch on parts of speech identification. We have recently learned about Adverbs, Articles and Prepositions but have been reviewing our knowledge of Nouns, Proper Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs, and Conjunctions- Whew! We have been learning a ton! A great way way to wrap it all up and get into the holiday spirit was to make our own Christmas lights!

First the students had to create their very own Christmas sentence. After writing down their sentences on their papers, they then were challenged with labeling each word's part of speech. After their identifications, they then had to ensure their sentences had at least 5 different parts of speech in them. If their sentences lacked, they were taxed with including in a missing link.

Here is the color code we used:
Nouns and Proper Nouns- Red
Verbs- Light Blue
Adjectives- Yellow
Adverbs- Orange
Pronouns- Purple
Articles- Green
Prepositions- Pink
Conjunctions- Dark Blue

Check out the student samples below. They did AWESOME!