Saturday, January 17, 2015

Area and Perimeter

Area and Perimeter practice. You mainly need to know Level One on this game but practicing on Level 2 and 3 would be helpful for the future but do not feel you need to master it now in fourth grade.

Equivalent Fractions

Here is a great game to help you understand equivalent fractions. It makes you think and is challenging. You might want to get some scratch paper out to help. My lowest score so far that I have been able to get is 15! See if you can beat me. :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Onomatopoeia Art

Today students got to experience, draw and create some Onomatopoeia word art. I allowed each student to choose one word from a list I had and then they had to draw out the sound/create a picture of what the word means. The students LOVED doing this and they did an AWESOME job. Check out some of their work below.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Class Artwork

Our class recently created some artwork to go into a Thank You book to the Joshua Officers who direct traffic in front of our school. I gave every student a quarter circle and they got to decorate it however they wanted. Afterwards, as a class, we decided which pieces looked best together for our two pages. I think they all did great and that it turned out so neat! Great job guys and THANK YOU Joshua Officers for helping to keep our school safe.  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sand Art

Today in class students were rewarded with some free time based on their awesome behavior lately. One site that I showed the students is:  This is a great place to visit if you want to create some mess free art. We explored the site and designed our own sand creation on the Smart Board. If your child is stating they are bored have them practice their color palettes, creativity and designing forte here! Tip: Be sure to click the small square at the top of the site for some helpful ways to navigate the website. If you want to combine some colors simply click on one color and drag across to the others you want to use. Have fun!